Advanced Analysis
The Foundation for Foundation for a World in Transition produces advanced analysis for current and future decision-makers. Advanced Analysis takes the form of exclusive publications, situation briefings, special reports and annual projections that should help them remain atop of situations and ahead of their upcoming developments.
Executive Publications
The Foundation for a World in Transition publishes ‘World in Transition’, a publication providing decision- makers with advanced analysis of and deep insights into current political, economic and geostrategic events and projections of their future developments.
Frequently challenging conventional wisdom, ‘World in Transition’ is based on confidential or privileged information, and authored by a team of seasoned international experts and former corporate and government executives.
Executive Situation Briefings
Built on its own commissioned research and a unique network of experts, Executive Situation Briefings provide exclusively tailor-made updates on ongoing developments, in accordance with members’ specific needs.
Through its Projection Matrix, Situation Briefings can offer early warning about issues that will become decisive for governments and political leaders, and predict changes of government throughout the world. Used in different contexts, the Projection Matrix has often been praised for the precision and accuracy of its electoral, policy and geostrategic projections.
Executive Special Reports
Built on its own commissioned research and a unique network of experts, Executive Special Reports provide exclusively tailor-made analysis and forecast aiming at high value creation in relation with issues of interest for members.
Upcoming Special Reports will focus on issues related to energy security, education reform and environmental challenges.
A series of Special Reports will also focus on monetary affairs, international trade and investments, emerging threats, cybersecurity and military balance.
Executive Annual Projections
Every year, the Foundation for a World in Transition will bring together decision-makers from around the world for a two-day session.
It is a unique occasion for our members to be presented with our projections for the coming year and to discuss with our broad array of international experts how as corporate and government leaders they can factor them to best accomplish their agenda.