Asia Pacific in 2014
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
Afghanistan: The Great Game Folio
By C. Raja Mohan
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - December 12, 2014
Shinzo Abe’s “Unprecedented” National Agenda
By James L. Schoff
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - September 11, 2014
Conflict Control” is Key to U.S.-China Relations in a Bipolar World
By Yan Xuetong & Koichi Furuya
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - May 14, 2014
Why Obama and Abe Should Take Lead on TPP
By Michael J. Green & Matthew P. Goodman
Center for Strategic and International Studies - April 1, 2014
How to Upgrade U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation
By James L. Schoff
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - January 16, 2014
Wartime Logistics in Afghanistan and Beyond: Handling Wicked Problems and Complex Adaptive Systems
By Dave Clemente, with Ryan Evans
Royal Institute of International Affairs - January 2014
The Challenges of a Rising China
By Ely Ratner & Paul Haenle
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - January 8, 2014