Europe in 2013
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
The Chief of the Defence Staff Lecture
By General Sir Nicholas Houghton GCB CBE ADC Gen
Royal United Services Institute - December 18, 2013
Smart Geostrategy for the Eastern Partnership
By Richard Youngs & Kateryna Pishchikova
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - November 14, 2013
Great Hopes, Dampened Expectations: the EU before the CSDP Summit
By Daniel Keohane, Conrad Häßler & Henning Riecke
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik - November 6, 2013
Allemagne, France, Turquie : la triangulation des puissances
By Dorothée Schmid
French Institute of International Relations, CERFA - October 18, 2013
Impact du développement des gaz de schiste aux États-Unis sur la pétrochimie européenne
By Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe
French Institute of International Relations - October 18, 2013
France is Now America's Preferred Partner in Africa and the Sahel
By Camille Grand
Royal Institute of International Affairs, The World Today - October 1, 2013
Strategic Global Forecast to 2030
By Academician A. A. Dynkin (coord.)
Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO-RAS) - October 2013
Russia and the Case of Syria
By Ewald Böhlke
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, September 30, 2013