Pr. Jameleddine Chichti
Pr. Jameleddine Chichti is Senior Fellow of the Foundation for a World in Transition.
A former CEO and Presidential Advisor, Pr. Jameleddine Chichti is a Professor of Finance, and the Director of the Doctoral School of the University of Manouba, Tunis.
Pr. Jameleddine Chichti has been a Professor of Finance and Insurance at the Business Schools of Tunis, Sfax and Sousse since 1997 and has supervised over 20 Doctorates and 10 PhD. in Finance, Insurance and Banking at the Universities of Tunis, Toulouse and Paris IX Dauphine.
He has served as the Minister’s of finance representative on the board of Director of Societe Tunisienne de Banque (STB), a state-owned enterprise and the largest commercial bank in Tunisia from 2015 to 2018. He has served on the board of directors of ENDA-Inter Arab, a NGO advancing micro- finance, since 2002, as Senior Advisor to AON, a U.S. broker in insurance and reinsurance since 2001, and as member of the board of directors of several investment and commercial banks including UTB and UIB, a bank of the Societe Generale banking group.
Pr. Chichti served as President and General Director of Tunisair, the national Tunisian airways company, from 1991 to 1993, as the first President of Tuninter, the local Tunisian airways company, from 1992 to 1993, and as President of the French Association of Airways Companies in Africa (ATAF) from 1991 to 1993.
Pr. Chichti served as Minister-Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs to the President of the Republic of Tunisia from 1987 to 1991.
In the early years of his career, he worked as a London-based advisor of credit insurance programs with El-Baraka Islamic Group from 1984 to 1985 and as financial analyst at the Paris Stock Exchange from 1980 to 1981.
Pr. Chichti is the author of two academic books and numerous working papers in Banking, Insurance, Economics and Development Studies with the World Bank and the Arab Monetary Fund among others. He is also the author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed publications including his latest “Bank Size and Efficiency in Developing Countries: Intermediation Approach Versus Value-Added Approach and Impact of Non-Traditional Activities” (Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2013), “A survey on the Relationship Between Ownership Structure, Debt Policy and Dividend Policy in the Tunisia Stock Exchange” (International Journal of Accounting and Economic Studies, 2013), “Financial Crisis and Financial Market Complexity: Does Bailing on Moral Hazard?, A Qualitative Analysis of International Financial Sector’s Behavior” (International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 2012), “Taxation and Capital Structure Choice: Survey Evidence” (International Review of Business and Social Sciences, 2012), “Investment Lumpiness and the Role of Net Worth: Evidence from Europe” (Journal of Behavioral Accounting and Finance, 2012), “Les institutions de microcredit et la lutte contre la pauvrete” (Revue Francaise de Gestion, 2011), “Impacts of Tax Incentive on Corporate Finance: The Case of the Mechanical and Electrical Industries in Tunisia” (International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2011), “Interactions Between Free Cash Flow, Debt Policy and Structure of Governance: 3SLC Simultaneous Model” (Journal of Management Research, 2011), “The Role of the Private Sector in the Financial Crises: The Case of the Banking Sector” (Economic and Finance Review, 2011), “Market Timing and the Corporate Debt Maturity Choice: The Case of the Tunisian and French Firms” (Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2011), “Timing of Debt Issues: Evidence from a Panel of Tunisian and French Firms” (Economic Bulletin, 2011), “Impacts of Tax Incentives on Corporate Financial Performance: The Case of the Mechanical and Electrical Industries in Tunisia” (International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2011), “Equity Market Timing and Capital Structure: Evidence from Tunisia and France” (International Journal of Business and Management, 2010), “Debt Market Timing: Evidence from Bank-Based Systems” (Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance, 2010), “Is the Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity Still Useful to Gauge Financing Constraints?” (International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 2010), “Financing Constraints Theory: A Narrative Approach” (International Journal of Economics, Enterprise and Environment, 2009), “The Role of Islamic Mortgage in the United Kingdom” (International Journal of Monetary Economics and Law, 2009), and “Merton, H Miller: Our Socrates” (International Journal of Business, 2009).
Earlier, Pr. Chichti has been a Lecturer and Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Tunis since 1981.
Pr. Chichti holds a PhD. and Aggregation in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Tunis, a PhD. in Finance from the University Paris IX Dauphine, three Masters in Finance from University Paris IX Dauphine, in Insurance and in Economics from University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, a diploma in Accounting from Paris Ecole des Arts et Metiers and a BA in Economics from University Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne. He is also the recipient of a diploma in Strategic Studies from the National Defense Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Tunisia.
Pr. Chichti has received several national and international awards from Tunisia, France, Italy and Germany.
He speaks English, French and Arabic.