Recently in Asia Pacific
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
With Kiyoshi Ando
Deep Dish, Chicago Council on Global Affairs - April 18, 2020
With Dr. Bi-khim Hsiao
What The Hell is Going On?, American Entreprise Institute - April 20, 2020
With Jeremy Youde
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - April 21, 2020
With Dr. Tim Huxley
Sounds Strategic, International Institute for Strategic Studies - April 23, 2020
With Ravi Agrawal & Mehmat Sarfraz
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - April 24, 2020
With M. Taylor Fravel
National Committee on U.S-China Relations - May 1, 2020
With Greg Levesque
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - May 5, 2020
With Chris Johnson
Intelligence Matters, CBS News - May 6, 2020
With Syaru Shirley Lin, Dr. Chunhuei Chi, & Daniel Russel
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - May 8, 2020
With John R. Allen, Jason Matheny, Chris Meserole, Nicol Turner Lee, Aaron Klein, Frank Rose, Sheena Chestnut Greitens, Carrick Flynn, Michael Brown, Elsa Kania, Scott Moore, Andrew Imbrie, & Tom Wheeler
Brookings Institution - May 8, 2020
With The Hon. Mike Gallagher
The Asia Chessboard, Center for Strategic and International Studies - May 18, 2020
With The Hon. Michael McCaul
What The Hell is Going On?, American Entreprise Institute - May 18, 2020
With Weijan Shan & James Kralik
China 21, University of California San Diego - May 18, 2020
With John R. Allen, Cheng Li, Jonathan Stromseth, Trang (Mae) Nguyen, Gabriel Leung, Dae-Joong Lee, & Lai I-chung
Brookings Institution - May 18, 2020
With Kevin Desouza
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - May 19, 2020
With Dr. Scott Rozelle
China 21, University of California San Diego - May 20, 2020
With David Firestein
Pen and Swords, Stratfor - May 20, 2020
With Bonnie Glaser & Lt. Gen Matthew Dalton
Deep Dish, Chicago Council on Global Affairs - May 21, 2020
With Amitai Etzioni & Nikolas Gvosdev
Carnegie Council - May 26, 2020
With Michael Swaine, Bonnie Glaser, Doug Bandow, & Eric Gomez
Cato Institute - May 28, 2020
With Andrew Schwartz, Benjamin Rimland, Mike Green, & Sarah Ladislaw
The Asia Chessboard, Center for Strategic and International Studies - June 1, 2020
With John Lee
The Realignment, Hudson Institute - June 1, 2020
With Jamil Anderlini & Ambassador Kurt Tong
Deep Dish, Chicago Council on Global Affairs - June 5, 2020
With Gerry Shih
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - June 5, 2020
With The Hon. Kevin Rudd & Fareed Zakaria
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - June 11, 2020
With Pr. Tomoo Marukawa, Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Jun Osawa, Sheila Smith, & Mireya Solís
Brookings Institution - June 15, 2020
With Elbridge Colby & Patrick Buchan
The Asia Chessboard, Center for Strategic and International Studies - June 15, 2020
With Gaurab Shunsher Thapa
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - June 16, 2020
With Chen Dingding
China in the World, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center - June 25, 2020
With Maria Ressa
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - June 26, 2020
With Robert Ward & Yuka Koshino
Sounds Strategic, International Institute for Strategic Studies - June 29, 2020
With Emily de la Bruyère
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - July 1, 2020
With Nick Schifrin
The President’s Inbox, Council on Foreign Relations - July 1, 2020
With Amy Jaffe
Council on Foreign Relations - July 1, 2020
With Victoria Tin-bor Hui
The President’s Inbox, Council on Foreign Relations - July 15, 2020
With Alyssa Ayres, M. Taylor Fravel, Tanvi Madan, Randall G. Schriver, & Joseph K. Hurd III
Council on Foreign Relations - July 16, 2020
With Kathy Gannon
War College - July 22, 2020
With Aaron Connelly
Sounds Strategic, International Institute for Strategic Studies - July 27, 2020
With Amy Searight & Heather Conley
The Asia Chessboard, Center for Strategic and International Studies - July 27, 2020
With Antoine Bondaz
Fondation pour la recherche strategique - July 28, 2020
With Alice Ekman
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - July 30, 2020
With Meia Nouwens, Nigel Inkster and Robert Ward
Sounds Strategic, International Institute for Strategic Studies - August 3, 2020
With Joshua Shifrinson
Power Problems, Cato Institute - August 11, 2020
With M. Taylor Fravel
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - August 11, 2020
With President Tsai Ing-wen
Hudson Institute - August 14, 2020
With Megha Rajagopolan & Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
Asia in Depth, Asia Society - August 6, 2020