Recently in Africa
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarilly reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
With Nicholas Heras & Emily Estelle
Overwatch, Institute for the Study of War - May 7, 2020
With Gonul Tol & Jonathan Winer
Middle East Focus, Middle East Institute — May 29, 2020
With Michael Hanna
Middle East Brief, Foreign Policy Research Institute - June 25, 2020
With Judd Devermont & Neil Munshi
Deep Dish, Chicago Council on Global Affairs - July 17, 2020
With Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly, Landry Signé, Florie Liser, Worku Gachou, & Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
Brooking Institution - July 21, 2020
With Emily Estelle
Overwatch, Institute for the Study of War - July 24, 2020
With Mirette Mabrouk & Guled Ahmed
Middle East Focus, Middle East Institute — July 30, 2020