Sustainable Growth
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
With Pr. Douglas Irwin
Uncommon Knowledge, Hoover Institution - April 22, 2020
With Robin Mills
Energy 360’, Center for Strategic and International Studies - May 15, 2020
With John R. Allen, Cheng Li, Jonathan Stromseth, Trang (Mae) Nguyen, Gabriel Leung, Dae-Joong Lee, & Lai I-chung
Brookings Institution - May 18, 2020
With Joyce Karam
Middle East Brief, Foreign Policy Research Institute - May 18, 2020
With Kevin Desouza
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - May 19, 2020
With Secretary Dan Brouillette
Center for Strategic and International Studies - June 11, 2020
With Amy Jaffe
Council on Foreign Relations - July 1, 2020
With The Hon. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Lael Brainard, Janet Yellen, Don Kohn, Hester Peirce, Jeremy Stein, & Richard Cordray
Brookings Institution - July 6, 2020
With Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly, Landry Signé, Florie Liser, Worku Gachou, & Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
Brooking Institution - July 21, 2020
With Alice Ekman
ChinaPower, Center for Strategic and International Studies - July 30, 2020
With Dipayan Ghosh
Brookings Institution - August 5, 2020